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Tips For Becoming A Great Bartender

09-Aug-2019   Author :   Category : Entertainment

Everyone thinks that being a bartender is a job looked down on, but it isn’t true a bartender is the fuel of the party and it is rather fun being a bartender. The role of a bartender is not just to take orders and serve drinks, but also to attract the crowd, keep them happy and enjoy their drink. They not only render a drink but an experience along with it.

Here are a few points you can follow to become a fine bartender.


For the best in class service to your customers, you should be a swift walker. The swifter you are the faster and more customers you can tend to also be swift at cleaning the counter, no one wants to be there if isn’t clean. Try this and expect a tip or praise!

Multiple service

A multi-tasker is always a boon for the business or enterprise. To be the best you should have the capability and attentiveness to attend to more than one customer at once. This will increase your productivity and in-turn the amount of customers you attract to the bar.


No one wants a grumpy or an egoistic server. Be a well mannered professional when it comes to attending to superiors and customers. Your mannerism enhances you personality making you desirable for the crowd. This will make you the talk of the social circle.

Team Work

This trait will benefit you and even your superiors. Be a team player always! Helping your fellow servers will help you all serve more customers. This will also help keep up the pace and the sync at the counter. This will also improve your impression on your manager.


Many a times a customer will ask you to serve your best. For such challenges you should be ready at all times. Be the walking encyclopedia of alcohol and liquor. To excel, you can visit other bars and get in touch with other bartenders and know the trend and different beverages being served. This will surely be a plus point any time during your service.


At most times a bartender is the one who empathises with the mood of the customer. Be positive and energetic at all times, this will make the mood of your customers and crowd. This makes the public happy and this can become the reason they will frequently visit your bar, just to have a drink from you.

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