
Home Blogs & Article Hindi Qualities Of A Great Anchor


Qualities Of A Great Anchor

13-Jul-2019   Author :   Category : Entertainment

An anchor adds splendour to your event. She/he is responsible for presenting the show. Memorizing the entire event script is very cumbersome and seeing a similar face for long hours is too boring that’s why, generally two anchors are appointed for a single event to share the audience delivery.

Here are a few signs of a great anchor!

Solid groundwork & preparation- Superiors thrive for preparedness of each individual they hire. Carefully look into the back drop of the brand, event purpose and other minute details. Present them creatively according to the schedule and not all together at different times during the event.

Appealing Speech- Make a highly interactive delivery with great body language and eye contact to keep the crowd glued to their seat. Do not communicate as if you are taking a lecture. Get rid of the monotonous traditional style of speech delivery.

Storytelling- A smart anchor knows how to keep the audience engrossed. Proficiency in storytelling will help you achieve this goal. Add the necessary pauses, modulations, dialects that the speech demands. Don’t sound artificial at any point of the speech delivery.

Confidence- A fluent communicator is bold. Avoid long pauses, stammers and repeating statements while anchoring. Relax and blend into the mood, once you do half of your goal is accomplished. Avoid taking too much of stress, being pre-occupied and de-motivating yourself before a speech.

Entertaining Presence- The deciding factor for an anchor is his presence on stage. He should have a great sense of humour, dressing sense, charm and approachability. Not to forget he is the one handling your brand and celebrities during the event.


Editor’s Note:
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