
Home Blogs & Article Hindi Party Plot VS Banquet


Party Plot VS Banquet

15-Jul-2019   Author :   Category : Information

Like the sides of a coin every type of location has it’s own pros and cons when you rent a space. Party Plots and Banquets are amongst the most popular venues where events are hosted in present times.

Let’s check out the awes and flaws of these venues!


Party Plot

Mostly, It has low accessibility as it is situated in the outskirts, near low residential development and only where there are open spaces.


It is a highly accessible venue due to less space requirement and easy accommodation in multiple avenues like complexes and plazas.

Expense & Scope

Party Plot

In a party plot, you need to spend handsomely, and there is more scope for creativity and customisation because you get an empty plot when you rent it.


In a banquet, there is minimal spending on decor and the scope for creativity and customisation is limited because a banquet has in-built interiors.

Flexible Usability

Party Plot

You can carry out multiple events and activities in the party plot at once due to the huge space availability.


A banquet is relatively smaller than a party plot so you can carry out only a single event at once in one banquet hall.



 A party plot is only suitable for places with favourable climatic conditions and only in pleasant weather.                                                                             


 A banquet is suitable for all weather. In Rain, as it is a closed space. In Winter you can get it heated via heaters. In Summer you can have it centrally air-conditioned

Finishing Up

 So ensure that you know what kind of event you want to host. If you want to go low-key and keep it classy, you can go for renting up a banquet. However, if you're going to go all glamorous and high fashion,booking a party plot is highly advisable.


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