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How it Works?

Create your Profile for FREE

Please note that we do not charge to list you or your company information on our site. Yes, it’s FREE, no commission, no monthly charge, nothing at all for a standard or Classic listing. So why not sign up today?

As the leading global event services platform we believe we are in the right place to help promote you or your company, and services to your local market and the international community. With your listing on eventaa, we can help drive traffic to your social media account and website, display your services among the high and mighty in the event industry and ultimately increase your company’s exposure and potential to generate business leads.

Creating your profile on eventaa is easy, simply click here to register, provide few details and you are good to go.

Confirm your E-mail Address

We will send you and email with a link to the email address you provide. Simply click on the link to validate your email address. Please note this is an important step to show your profile as being verified in eventaa listing.

Upload Pictures, Videos & Social Media

Premium and Enhanced accounts are permitted to upload 40 and 20 pictures, and 20 & 10 Youtube hosted videos respectively. All profiles can enter their Social Media handles for promotion.

Account Activation

In roughly 24 to 48 hours we will review your profile to ensure all appears okay, You will receive an email confirmation of profile activation and see that it is now live on eventaa. We recommend sharing your eventaa profile through your social media accounts, the more people view it the more traffic you will get to your profile.


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