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Home Events Instagram for Creatives
Instagram for Creatives

I love Instagram; it has done so much for my career, but I know it can be frustrating when you're Instagramming for your business and it's not growing the way you'd hoped. Instagram can be pretty confusing, especially with all the recent changes. This workshop is aimed at creative small business owners to help them get the most out of Instagram. Instagram is an incredibly powerful tool for marketing your business, and it's free, you just need to know how to get the most out of it. The goal of this workshop is not to aim for huge numbers of followers and likes, but aim for an Instagram account that supports your business and helps it grow.

What do I mean by a 'creative small business'? I mean anyone who has or is starting a business and does something creative that can be shared visually on Instagram, whether that's painting pictures, arranging flowers or making cakes.

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